Phase 7 Foundation

Arthur L. Pauls wanted to share his income with others and donated part of his work to charitable causes. Members of OBEAT took up this philosophy and the Phase 7 organisation was born. This organisation collects donations for aid projects and manages them on a voluntary basis.

The organisation mainly solicits donations from OBEAT members, Ortho-Bionomy practitioners and Ortho-Bionomy clients who are enthusiastic about the method. The special thing about the Phase 7 organisation is that the money is not donated to large organisations, but only to aid projects with direct and personal contact.

This means that every euro reaches those in need 1:1 without any deductions or fees.

Suggestions for possible Phase 7 projects are collected at the annual European teachers’ meeting. After a vote, a decision is made as to what the money collected will be used for and this is published on the OBEAT website.

Projekt 2025

For the association / founded by:

Eva Steiner
Teacher Ortho-Bionomy®

Donation account Phase 7 Organisation:
IBAN: AT41 5300 0058 5500 2525